Regenerative Solutions

Ag supplies & Services for Texas Ranches, Farms And Backyard gardens

Soil conservation is imperative for Regeneration

Topsoil is our most endangered species

The health of humans, plants, animals, and the planet is declining as a result.

Regenerative Farming Practice Integration + Support Is Part of the Solution

Carbon Farm Planning

Understand the connection between climate, carbon, farm productivity and resilience. Develop a long-term plan to transition from mainstreamed farming methods to traditional, regenerative farming practices. Become one of the Texas farms leading the way, ushering in the regenerative agriculture age in Texas.

Integrated Pest Management

Most importantly, insects are not attracted to healthy plants. On your road to bringing life back into your soil, natural pest control is attainable! Incorporate natural, effective soil amendments like Slow Dirt to kill bugs eating plants. Utilize companion plants and flowers to draw in beneficial insects that pollinate and or patrol for garden pests. And strategically attract those garden pests to specific plants designed to serve as their buffet, saving the rest of the garden for your family and customers.

Develop a Climate Resilient Operation

Climate smart agriculture is a must in Texas. Pumping water is the biggest cost for farmers in desert climates. And water wars are already happening and will only get worse.

So what keeps Texas farms and ranches growing water-thirsty crops like cotton, alfalfa and pecans instead of experimenting with less thirsty crops like hemp? 

The transition period is financially difficult! Bankers are hesitant to support something new and farmers are required to show a 5-10 year running average of yields to get crop insurance. Legal changes are needed so as not to penalize Texas farms and ranches for farming different and climate resilient crops like industrial hemp.

Organizations like Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance (FARFA) focus on supporting independent family farmers and protecting a healthy and productive food supply for American consumers. FARFA advocates on behalf of the thousands of small-scale farmers and ranchers who produce food using sustainable/regenerative methods.

Most people are unconsciously going through the motions of life - Eating (and feeding their children) food with little to no nutritional value, over-consuming junk, sodas, drugs, and alcohol, and drinking water stripped of all the minerals our bodies desperately need to function optimally. Through blind trust, we are fed poison by the "Big Guys" in pharma, ag, tobacco, alcohol, and the consumer packaged goods industry. Unless you're awake and making conscious lifestyle choices, many live a life of dis-ease inside the sick care system.

Engage with organizations like FARFA and the Texas Hemp Coalition to advocate for common sense policies for local, diversified agricultural systems. When you support local farmers, you’re also standing up for millions of consumers who care about protecting traditional rights and personal sovereignty.

Compost worms and worm castings are natural ways to improve soil structure and prevent soil erosion

Vermicastings are:

  • 7x richer in Phosphate than soil that has not been through a worm

  • 10x available Potassium

  • 5x Nitrogen

  • 3x usable Magnesium

  • 1.5x higher in Calcium

  • All of the above nutrients bind onto organic matter in the worm poop (aka worm castings)

Soil sisters’ mission

TX Soil Sisters is for intentionally turning Texas dirt into soil by collaborating with farmers, ranchers, and nature’s workforce: worms, bees, farm animals, trees, hemp and cover crops, water, the sun and the moon.

Healthy soil, rich with minerals, creates nutrient-dense food which offers greater nutrition to the entire ecosystem. When we feed our soil, we feed humanity. When our soil thrives, our people thrive. As above, so below.

We are aligning souls and soil with purpose

for our collective healing and the healing of Mother Earth.

With so many ranches for sale in Texas who’s teaching land stewardship to new landowners?

Matchmaking Landowners with responsible Land Stewards

With so many ranches for sale in Texas who’s teaching land stewardship to new landowners?

Family Farm Planning will save Texas ranches and farms. Let TX Soil Sisters help you discover profitable and restorative solutions that match your family’s long-term goals.

Whether your family farm or ranch is in transition, or you’re the new owner of Texas farm and ranch land - and your goal is to heal the land and grow responsibly, we’re here to help!

Together, we can advance responsible (and profitable) agriculture in the Lone Star State.

Are you a landowner seeking to lease your farm and ranch land?

Let TX Soil Sisters help you find the right collaborative partners interested in regenerative agriculture, land stewardship, agriculture technology, and climate smart agriculture solutions focused on food security and food sovereignty.

Or do it on your own with FarmTender™ - a first of its kind online tool to help match farmers using regenerative practices with willing landowners. FarmTender™ was created by a farmer using regenerative grazing, and a landowner having a hard time finding a regenerative farmer. The duo saw this as a way for like-minded people to find each other for their mutual agricultural benefit, working with nature, not against it. is free to browse. And for a nominal annual fee you can register and read the profiles of regenerative farmers seeking land, landowners with land parcels to lease, or post a profile yourself. All funds go to support the service. It works nationwide. But FarmTender™ will only succeed if regenerative-minded people post on it, use it, and spread the word!