Join tX Soil Sisters
Cooperation is Everything. Give $5+. Receive Support.
Participate In tX soil sisters Co-Op monthly Online Meet Up

Other Reasons to Join TX Soil Sisters Co-Op
I want to support local farmers, ranchers, and responsible land stewards.
I want to eat healthy, nutrient-dense food cultivated near me.
I understand that top soil is our most endangered species and is the foundation of all life. So I want to turn dirt to soil where I live.
I want to learn and then teach others how to live a regenerative life.
I am ready to transition from conventional agriculture and food systems to a regenerative model that supports my entire community and ecosystem.
I understand the value of my energy and focus, and the power of voting with my dollars.

Make a donation. Join the Co-Op.
Financial donations are used to develop on-farm trials for growing industrial hemp and heirloom grains, pay local farmers for their time, to purchase and experiment with natural inputs and supplies, and to rent necessary farming equipment. Donations also help pay for Soil Sisters’ conference and farm travel expenses where we interview seasoned farmers, ranchers, and “green giants” on the podcast. We love passing along the powerful education we’re receiving, and helping other Soil Sisters and Misters like you find solutions.
So join us on our monthly co-op call with your donation!
(3rd Monday of every month at 6p CST)