Family Land Stewardship
Fifth-Generation Family Farming and Ranching
TeXas Soil Sisters
Crystal and Johanna Nuding are 5th generation family members of a working Texas cattle ranch founded in 1887.
And if a Texas Heritage Ranch family's best option for helping the next generation is selling the land section by section to hunting enthusiasts and weekend cowboys, then Texas farming and ranching has a problem.
TX Soil Sisters is currently building relationships on the federal, state, and county levels and has outlined the challenges we've witnessed and available paths to a course correction beneficial for our planet, the State of Texas, our farming/ranching communities, and the families like ours looking for profitable solutions to sustain our heritage and way of life.
Meet the Sisters
FounderJohanna Nuding is an entrepreneur and conversational journalist. She serves on the Texas Hemp Coalition and the USDA NRCS STAC subcommittees on grazing and agronomy.
From 2015-2022, Jo primarily served the cannabis industry and community through her edutainment platform, Casually Baked, working with the integral ground forces developing the cannabis industry to showcase the evolving landscape, research, and science of contemporary cannabis.
Casually Baked, the potcast – in its eighth year – highlights the responsible side of plant medicine through conversations with Jo’s network of cannabis scientists, doctors, and researchers worldwide, heritage and regenerative farmers, military veterans, makers, wellness practitioners, and cannabis industry leaders building the nascent legal cannabis and hemp industries in North America.
Co-FounderCrystal Nuding teaches sustainable living in life and in agriculture. She’s a student of Dr. Elaine Ingham’s Soil Food Web school. And Crystal serves as a SCORE small business mentor for the Austin-area chapter. And she serves on the USDA NRCS STAC subcommittees on grazing and agronomy.
With Crystal’s guidance you'll discover the steps most in alignment with your goals and dreams and begin taking your own inspired steps toward getting you there.
The Future of Farming
Gabe Brown joins the potcast to offer us insights into reshaping the future of agriculture in our own communities. We talk about shifting into a mindset of stewardship and getting buy-in from family and community. We discuss the financial opportunities of regenerative agriculture and the cost-savings of working with nature. Gabe explains the flaws of conventional soil tests and offers alternative solutions, real world examples, educational resources, and insights into some of the projects his consultancy is rolling out at Understanding Ag.